داستان آبیدیک

system reliability uncertainty


1 هوافضا:: عدم قطعیت قابلیت اطمینان سیستم

For instance, to ensure safe flight, the system reliability uncertainty information could be a warning for us that we must take some actions to lower the uncertain risk when the uncertainty information shows that it still has a high potential /probability of falling into an unacceptable low-reliability interval even though the mean value of system reliability is high enough. The framework of the proposed system reliability uncertainty analysis in system improvement is provided in Figure 7, and the main steps for system reliability uncertainty calculation are outlined in Figure 8. The framework for system improvement based on system reliability uncertainty analysis. The statement that system reliability uncertainty is acceptable means whether system reliability has an excellent probability of being at a l ow level, which does; not meet the airworthiness regulation or other reliability requirements. Then we perform the proposed method to evaluate the system reliability uncertainty in different sub-cases and focus on analyzing the reasonability of the proposed method by a comprehensive comparison of the evaluation results of the four sub-cases.

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